In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Fri, 27 May 2011 19:52:05 -0400:
>Look, the obvious application for an E-Cat is for heating, if it's 
>designed to heat water, and many heating systems do simply circulate 
>water -- or steam -- for heating. So that's almost as efficient as 
>direct electrical heating, the only losses would be in transmission 
>of the hot water, i.e., in heating, say, pipes under a house instead 
>of the house, but usually those get insulated.... The E-Cat is not 
>designed, of course, to generate electricity, and the numbers would 
>have to get a lot better before it would make any sense.
Perhaps more important is the fact that a working E-cat means confirmation of a
new source of energy. Once that is accepted many more people will start working
on improving the output, as Jed has often said.


Robin van Spaandonk

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