At 11:31 AM 5/31/2011, Joshua Cude wrote:
But as long as Rossi uses his own designates to report measurements, he will not be taken seriously. As soon as it would be visual and obvious so anyone can see it, he would be rich and famous.

It is obvious that the public demonstrations are not all that have been done. Rossi apparently showed demonstrations to possible investors or purchasers of the device, and I think it's been claimed that hundreds of these devices have been distributed to possible purchasers, investors, or other trusted persons, presumably under non-disclosure agreements.

"Not be taken seriously" has a lost performative. not *by whom*? Who does Rossi need to take him "seriously." Not the public, at this point! Not the hordes of skeptics and pseudoskeptics. Just possible customers or investors.

If there are investors who have put money into this without seeing satisfactory demonstrations, without adequate protection -- and a performance guarantee by an inventor who could quicly become bankrupt is worthless, unless, say, the money is in escrow -- is a fool or is simply playing a long shot. Some can afford to do that, perhaps.

A promise to pay under stated conditions, as appears to be the situation with Defkalion, would not be foolish if those conditions are carefully and properly established. The people behind Defkalion don't look like a crowd of fools, they are making a quite rational bet. If Rossi fails to deliver, they will simply say, tsk, tsk. What they have invested, forming the company, is nothing, not even pocket change for these people.

Ampenergo seems to have put in some real cash. They know Rossi, he was an original founder of the company behind Ampenergo, LTI. They've seen demonstrations, also, that's been explicitly stated, so they have more information that the current set, which almost everyone knowledgeable seems to agree are not *perfect.*

That is, more "convincing" demonstrations could be set up. However, considering the body of evidence available, these would only rule out fraud, simple artifact isn't so likely. We'd have to toss the Levi 18 hour demonstration, for example. Levi is suspected by some people because of the close association with Rossi. That suspicion would be, basically, that Levi allowed himself to be fooled, or was complicit in fraud. Otherwise Levi is just like any other report.

With all the existing public demonstrations, there are unanswered questions.


If Ampenergo was defrauded, if, for example, their observation of the alleged factory E-cat was accompanied with lies, was a set-up, a salted mine, they'd have grounds to sue the pants off of Rossi, and there would likely be criminal prosecution.

However, there remains a possibility, that the money paid to Rossi's company by Ampenergo was de minimus, and/or explicitly not based on any representations at all, it might be, for example, a simple option payment that allows for Rossi to fall on his face as far as delivering practical product. Again, we come back to this:

We don't know.

But Cude knows. Where does he derive this omniscience? What university educated him in this way? I'd like to know, so that I can make sure my kids don't go there.

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