On 2011-06-18 16:07, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
Hello group,

Today Rossi posted on his Blog some interesting info:

When E-Cats work without a drive, Rossi has to operate alone on them for safety reasons. However Dr.Bianchini from the University of Bologna had special permission to witness one on June 14th:

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June 19th, 2011 at 4:12 AM

Dear Italo A. Albanese:
Thank you for your insight: as you know, I cannot give information about what happens inside the reactor. To work without a drive is very dangerous, anyway, in my lab I am making with a reactor 14 kWh/h without energu input, but, again it is very dangerous. When I make this I have to be alone on the reactor, even if on the 14th of june in Bologna I did this for about 1 hour at the presence of Dr Bianchini, of the University of Bologna, asking him to check the radiations outside the reactor: the Gieger I always work with had an increase of emission, but it turned out that we were inside the acceptable limits. Bu it is out of question that I can accept to use the reactors this way in public or for the Customers. To be safe, totally safe, we must have a drive and we must not exceed the factor of 6 (I mean producing 6 rimes the energy consumed by the drive). Which is what we guarantee to our Customers.
Warm Regards,

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To tell the truth, I imagined that remote control and monitoring of Energy Catalyzers working in potentially dangerous conditions in a safe room would have been the norm. Or, at least, that's what I would do. In motoring engineering that's what is usually done when stress testing or setting up engines on a dynamometer test bed in controlled conditions.


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