The project described in this post supports and extends my understanding of
what is going on in the Rossi reactor.

First off, the use of potassium as an alkaline catalyst supports my belief
that Rossi is using some alkaline based catalyst like potassium as his
“secret catalyst”. Potassium produces Rydberg hydrogen matter as a cold
plasma which eventually arrive at the surface of the cathode where nuclear
reactions supported by the quantum mechanical actions of coherent and
entangled atoms occur.

The next implication to be drawn from this tungsten based experiment is that
the Rossi reaction is exclusively a surface reaction which occurs right on
top of the surface of the cathode. Tungsten does not allow hydrogen to
penetrate its surface. A significant percentage of the nuclear reactions
must be occurring right at the very top of the tungsten surface when the
reaction first begins.

As the reaction erodes the surface, the surface area of the tungsten
increases an so does the reaction in like proportion.

This supports my view that the great productivity of the Rossi reaction over
his contemporary competitors is in the surface preparation of his reaction
vessel. He uses nickel nano powder coated on the surface of the reaction
vessel to optimize the surface as prolific sites for to maximize the number
of nuclear active areas. His competitors do not do this, and until they do,
they will see reduced nuclear activity in their experiments.

For example, if the tungsten experimenters would have coated their cathode
with nano-powder (nickel or otherwise), the productivity of their experiment
would be greatly enhanced. The same surface improvement could be applied to
the current efforts of Brian Ahern.

The chaotic chemical activity replete with oxygen in the Neapolitan tungsten
based cell would tend to destroy Rydberg matter and therefore suppress the
effectiveness of the reaction.

On the other hand, Rossi provides a benign chemical environment that allows
Rydberg matter to exist indefinitely. This too greatly increases the great
productivity of the Rossi reaction.

The tungsten experimenters would do well to use a high pressure hydrogen
envelope like Rossi. This would increase the activity of their reaction

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

>  At 11:28 AM 6/30/2011, Rich Murray wrote:
>> This team was competent enough to dismiss their own excess energy claims.
>> Transmutations and isotope shifts may well be the most convincing
>> evidence for low levels of LENR -- widely reported in a variety of
>> setups -- has this area been reviewed in detail? -- Joshua Cude, where
>> are you, we need you...
> Returning to PdD, excess heat is widely reported and there is, in fact,
> "transmutation" reported. Often we think about transmutation in cold fusion
> experiments in terms of higher-Z isotopes, but the main transmutation, for
> which there is clear evidence, is deuterium to helium. Joshua hasn't been
> willing to acknowledge this, so far, based on what I see as mere
> technicalities, such as excluding any evidence, no matter how solid or
> convincing it might be in itself, which hasn't been published in a
> mainstream peer-reviewed journal. In fact, there is such publication, but
> it's old.
> My sense of this is that the field, in general, doesn't care enough about
> "proving" cold fusion any more, to be willing to shoulder the heavy costs
> involved, in money and time. And, indeed, why should they? What, exactly, is
> the problem with relying upon McKubre's reports prepared for, say, EPRI?
> But to each his own, eh?

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