Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

Where is Galantini quoted? Look at what he gave to Krivit:
> http://blog.newenergytimes.**com/2011/06/20/galantini-**
> sends-e-mail-about-rossi-**steam-measurements-today/<http://blog.newenergytimes.com/2011/06/20/galantini-sends-e-mail-about-rossi-steam-measurements-today/>
>  Good morning, on the request made to me today, as I have repeatedly
>> confirmed to me that many people have requested in the past,  I repeat that
>> all the measurements I
. . .

> The instrument used during the tests performed in the presence of Swedish
>> teachers was as follows: 176 Text Code 0572 H2 1766 .
That text appears to be scrambled or incomplete. Not sure what "176 Text
Code . . ." is.

In the first test, Galantini used a Delta Ohm monitor to measure the
relative humidity of the steam. This is a model  HD37AB1347 IAQ with a high
temperature HP474AC SICRAM sensor. See:


The brochure and the experts that Lewan and I have contacted say this
instrument measures the enthalpy of steam. I expect they are right and the
people who say otherwise here are wrong. I have no further comments on this

- Jed

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