At 09:45 PM 7/5/2011, Harry Veeder wrote:
The Kirvit video *might* be explained in terms of the Tarallo Water Diversion Fake:

Tarallo suggests that there is a hose leading water out into the outlet pipe, allowing steam measurements.

The hose proposed is unnecessary, it would indeed be fakery, but Tarallo is attempting to explain something that isn't necessary to explain, i.e., the measurements through the instrument port. If the chimney simply fills with water to the level of the output hose, a thermocouple inserted into the instrument port will measure, if any water is being boiled, boiling temperature. An RH meter probe inserted there will show the same result as for steam, from the way these meters work.

As a fake, this could indeed be used to create an appearance of excess heat where there was only input power heat, in combination with a true bypass inside.

I don't see that this has been ruled out.

However, once "fraud" is on the table, there are no limits to possibilities, I started making this point in January or February. This is why we want to see, to be *certain*, independent testing where fakery as described becomes preposterously unlikely.

It would be trivial to take the Rossi setup, and add a few dollars worth of plumbing, and make it into a very clear measurement of power. But that has not been done, and I actively do not expect it to be done. Rossi clearly doesn't want a definitive demonstration, and from this I can make *no conclusion* other than ... he doesn't want a definitive demonstration. There are reasons for that which are possible all the way from fakery and fraud to genuine heat combined with economic motives or personal psychology.

From: Jeff Driscoll <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 2:23:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Analysis of e-Cat test by E. Storms

it goes into colder water entering the ecat - but I contend that the
following possibilites exist for fakery

1.  large slugs of water are spit through the black hose and down the drain
2. the water stays in the Ecat and never leaves it
3. the input water is not measured correctly intentionally (fraudulently)

Or just a small continuous flow of water, though it could become slugs as water fills the hose blocking steam flow, the steam would then force the water out the hose periodically.

"The water stays in the E-Cat and never leaves it," I don't understand. This really requires possibility 3.

It's also possible that input flow is incorrectly measured without fraud, but this depends on details of the testing, and I haven't seen that input flow has been nailed down adequately. It may have been measured correctly, or not, and the difference depends on details of testing that were not disclosed.

I should be explicit about a possibility, that Rossi believes that all the water is being vaporized, when it is not. The setups he's created don't check for outflow water, and Rossi has no way of distinguishing outflow water from condensed water. He knows there is condensed water, and he assumes that it is condensed. Has he verified that it is all condensed?

The easiest way to assume that it is all condensed (aside from questions about steam quality, which could be a minor issue unless the heat is marginal) is gravity feed, so that feed rate equals boil-off rate, which would be trivial to set up. Has he done this? He'd also get faster turn-on, but not dangerously so. That Rossi uses constant feed rate is a mystery, it is a setup for error (or danger, if that rate is too low).

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