I find nothing strange about this report.

So what if he sold the building. He kept the reactor, and has produced hundreds 
more since then. Defkalion has proceeded to build hundreds more. Defkalion has 
actually built their own units, tested them, and they work great.

What I find strange is that there are still people going out of their way to 
find something to attack Rossi about!

From: Stephen A. Lawrence <sa...@pobox.com>
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, July 12, 2011 5:07:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:First Photo of Mass-Produced e-Cats?

On 11-07-12 03:04 PM, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
> At 11:58 AM 7/12/2011, Terry Blanton wrote:
>> There's an audio interview with AR on the right column.  He's at home in 
> No "hard" questions. (Don't mention the Steam quality!) ... the only 
>clarification I got was that the original "factory heating" eCat was no longer 
>in operation. That factory & contents (other than the Ecat) was sold.

No way!!

That is just so convenient, it makes me want to laugh.

The one piece of total "clincher" evidence, the unit which was actually working 
as a heater in a factory, cannot be displayed or examined because the factory 
has been sold.  (That sort of event is typical of so many "impossible" 
inventions we've heard of in the past:  The videotape was lost, the original 
unit was stolen, sorry, you'll just have to believe me that it really did run 
continuously for X weeks...  The only thing which distinguishes Rossi's device 
is that it's not theoretically impossible, merely improbable.  That, and 200 
million euros of investment money, which would prove something if I believed 
most investors were sufficiently knowledgeable physicists to judge something 
like this, which I don't.)

Did Rossi own the factory?  If so, what did he do there, and why was it sold?  
If he didn't own it, who did own it?  Where was it?  Who ran it?  Who used the 
magic heater on a daily basis during those two years?  Some mysterious beings 
who have said not a word in public about it, though they must have realized 
there was something a bit unusual about the heating system.

This seems to me to be the ultimate red flag.   On the other hand, those who 
truly want to believe in this will no doubt find nothing strange about this 
report, and will feel I'm being utterly unreasonable here...  time will tell 
who's right.

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