Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

On 11-07-12 05:36 PM, noone noone wrote:
I find nothing strange about this report.

So what if he sold the building. He kept the reactor, and has produced hundreds more since then. Defkalion has proceeded to build hundreds more. Defkalion has actually built their own units, tested them, and they work great.

What documentation is there for that? It's certainly interesting, if it's true.

It is interesting, but Rossi has never made a big deal about it, or pointed to it as proof that his claims are real. I think it was Focardi who was telling his friends "you should see this reactor in the factory."

It was mentioned in the patent, I believe, with no details. Granted, that is a puzzling thing to do.

Elsewhere you wrote: "The one piece of total "clincher" evidence, the unit which was actually working as a heater in a factory, cannot be displayed or examined because the factory has been sold. (That sort of event is typical of so many "impossible" inventions we've heard of in the past: The videotape was lost, the original unit was stolen, sorry, you'll just have to believe me that it really did run continuously for X weeks..."

If Rossi has said anything like this, you would have a valid point. But he has not, as far as I know. He never claimed to this was "clincher" evidence. He never said "if only I could show you but alas I cannot" . . .

Or by pronouncing of some doubtful phrase,
As 'Well, well, we know,' or 'We could, an if we would,'
Or 'If we list to speak,' or 'There be, an if they might,'
Or such ambiguous giving out, to note
That you know aught of me . . .

Rossi has done none of this. He noted in passing that he ran a large reactor at a factory. You can take it or leave it; he does not care. He is not staking anything on that. For that matter, he is not staking anything on the demonstrations this year, or the 18-hour tests. He says all of that is unimportant, and the only thing that counts is the 1 MW reactor test at Defkalion.

There's no need to go out of my way to find things like this, they just sort of drop in. If you were paying attention from the start, you'd realize the mysterious Erewhon factory has been a bit of a puzzle all along; to read that it's vanished forever is remarkable.

No stranger than other things about Rossi and his claims. I like "Erewhon factory."

- Jed

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