At 05:04 PM 7/17/2011, Daniel Rocha wrote:
It seems that this EPO's Julian mentioned that he worked at Oxford
during the 80's, to make some kind of smoke screan with Julian Brown
from Oxford. They do not have anything to do with each other:

That is totally dumb as a piece of evidence, "epo" as turns up there is something completely different. While I've seen no confirmation that the Julian Brown who was at Oxford, and who was definitely interested in low-energy nuclear reacitons, is the same Julian Brown as contacted Rossi, and who claims to work at the European Patent Office, neither have I seen any evidence to the contrary, and there is simply no reason to doubt this.

That Rossi, however, would accept visitors without verifying their bona-fides, boggles my mind. Then, based on no evidence but only suspicion and anger, he accuses the visitor of this and that.

It doesn't bode well for our understanding of his sanity. And that Daniel Rocha would assert these are different people based on that search calls into question his own sanity.

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