I re-watched Krivit's video and got confirmation for this
interpretation. Temperature anomaly was there just 100.1°C and steam
production only fraction of Lewan's E-Cat. Therefore we can estimate
that Krivit's E-Cat produced, while video was filmed, something like
1000W±200W total power.

So, here are the temperature anomalies and corresponding estimated
power output for all 6 demonstrations of E-Cat: in December (101.6°C /
9kW), January (101.2°C / 6kW), March (100.2°C / 1.2 kW), April
(100.6°C / 2kW) and June (100.1°C / 1kW)

Ny Teknik tested the energy catalyzer

Andrea Rossi Explains His Energy Catalyzer

Report on heat production during preliminary tests on the Rossi "Ni-H" reactor

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