Jouni Valkonen <> wrote:
> One interesting new electric E-Cat replication. This really puts final mark
> for steam depate, altough I still wait for modification where cooling water
> is continuously pumped. And steam temperature measured. Also it is good to
> see how much higher level Swedish discussion goes. Instead of plain and
> empty words they really does something concrete.
I can't see much difference here between the 900 W and 2200 W of steam. I am
sure there is a difference, but you cannot see it easily by visual
observation against a black background. Both look about the same as the
Krivit video (which is linked to this video).

This is not a good method of measuring steam enthapy. They should try
sparging it. They should use a larger, deeper bucket than the one shown in
this video, and a shorter hose.

- Jed

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