Actually Piantelli has at least 15 publications in which he is the main
leading/author the others being Focardi and analyticians.
And his two patents WO 1995/20816 and WO 2010/058288
are very professionally written. (two new patents coming soon)

He had self-sustaining cells years ago. Being a serious scientist he has
explored the anomalous heat effect with many transition metals- many work.
He understand what happens in his cells..
He does not like publicity and what he says is based on solid
experimental facts.And has experience in the industry, therefore will not
put technologically immature products on

Rossi says his system is not related to Piantelli's- he has to demonstrate
this , combined with the viability and usability
of his generators.


On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Akira Shirakawa wrote:
>  Hello group,
>> Here is my translation of several tidbits in a thread in the Italian web
>> forum where Roy Virgilio (nicknamed here eroyka. He
>> attended Saturday's LENR talk in Viareggio) will report as time passes news
>> about Piantelli's work.
> Thanks for translating this.
> Perhaps Piantelli has been spurred into working more quickly and going
> commercial quickly by Rossi. Piantelli has been doing this research for a
> long time but he has not published many papers. He has been keeping a low
> profile.
> Maybe Rossi has nothing to do with it, and Piantelli happened to achieve
> commercial-level success now, and he would have gone public even without
> Rossi.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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