2011/7/28 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>:
> Damon Craig wrote:
>> Can you post it here,  verbatum? Not the entire email, if you like, just
>> the data.
> Nope. Even if I did, it would prove nothing, since anyone can write a few
> lines of ascii text and claim they came from an e-mail.
That is arguable at least if you use PGP or OpenPGP to sign your
bytes.  I think anyone that sends data on the public should use
some kind of digital signature system, better if it is based on open standards.

See http://www.gnupg.org for instance.


> You need to stop harping on this. Take it or leave it. The same data
> appeared in NyTeknik. I think I can speak for Lewan in saying that neither
> of us cares whether you believe us or not. As they say in Japanese: iikagen
> ni shinasai. (Actually in this case it would be "iikagen ni shiro.")
> Lewan and I might be lying to you. Rossi and Levi might be lying to us.
> Believing this calls for a measure of faith in the whole gang of us. If you
> don't have that faith, too bad. There is no way I can give you more
> reassurance even if I wanted to, and I don't. I suggest you look at the
> totality of the evidence, including all those other Ni cold fusion
> experiments.
> - Jed

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