Recent comments from Rossi.



Aug 7:

> ...But the tech must go on, we signed a tremendous contract
> in the USA. The Customer has already made plans for 1,000
> plants in the USA, and has the financial dimension for this.
> By the way: it was already foreseen from me this USA plant,
> if you remember, I told months ago that we were preparing
> also a plant for the USA.

Aug 8:

> Our program goes on as scheduled, after the Agreement with
> the USA Partner.
> The 1 MW plant will go in Operation in the USA, I cannot
> say in which city, because you could understand immediately
> who is the Partner, and we are bound not to reveal it
> until the test day.

I hope Rossi is being truthful (as truthful as Rossi can be) in
regards to such claims. To be honest, his commentary strikes me more
as a form of damage control or deflection. Whip everyone up into
frenzy. Try to distract everyone with new promises and grandiose plans
allegedly now occurring on American soil.

Rossi refusing to name the American city will no doubt create rampant
speculation. The Vort Collective might as well start naming a few of
their own favorites.

Here's my pick of the hour! ;-)

Seattle / Microsoft. (Ahhh... Probably not! I don't think Microsoft
has ever shown that much vision.)

I would nevertheless seriously consider exploring a number of hi-tech
firms, particularly those flush with cash.

Does anyone seriously consider the possibility that an energy firm,
possibly even a petroleum corporation might be nibbling? (I presume
not.) As Mr. Rothwell has pointed out on several occasions, history
has repeatedly shown cases where established corporations tend to
ignore the promise of brand new technologies that soon render their
current line of products and services obsolete. A damn shame.

* * *

Considering the perceived instability of the current situation, it
would not surprise me in the least if we will soon be presented with
additional "developments". I hope some of them will be received with
less anxiety.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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