Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Defkalion could have submitted a system with a dummy core for Greek qualification (hydrogen system etc), but that seems a bit pointless. Rossi could have hand-carried a core to Defkalion, run tests, and then taken it way with him.

No regulator or government agency in the EU, the U.S. or Japan would allow that. It is unthinkable. These organizations have many faults but they are thorough. They do things rigorously, by the book. Running a few tests with Rossi standing by is simply out of the question.

In their website discussion group, Defkalion repeatedly claimed that various Greek Ministries were testing their devices. It that is true, it contradicts Rossi's assertions. There is no way the two sides can be reconciled; one or the other is lying. Defkalion's major website claims are gathered here:

For what it is worth, I think Rossi was upset and he was saying all kinds of things he did not mean. I would call it an angry outburst. He has already backtracked and said the dispute is about money only, not technology. My guess is that is his way of retracting and apologizing. I hope the parties can reach a new agreement and people will forget about this incident in a few weeks.

In the past, many famous innovators such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates also acted abominably, but that was before the Internet, so they did not have the opportunity to plaster their bad behavior all over the world. Plus they had more sense than to do this. There were notable exceptions such as the time Bill Gates got drunk and talked to reporters about how IBM was on the verge of extinction. The modern Internet goldfish bowl lets us see people making fools of themselves in real time, rather than reading about it in history books years later.

In this document:

I agree with the last note, by Hank Mills. Defkalion is being evasive and not answering the two key questions. Perhaps it would put it in a better light to say they are being diplomatic, and trying not to rile Rossi. They call this affair "micro-politics" which I take as an interesting new way of saying "let's hope this stuff blows over and Rossi forgets about it." I suppose "micro-politics" means "a tempest in a teapot." Let us hope that's what it is.

I know nothing about the nature of the dispute. Frankly I don't want to know. It is none of my business.

- Jed

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