Or that both Rossi and Defkalion have proprietary cores but only Rossi has
the catalyzer.

2011/8/10 Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com>

> At 01:46 PM 8/10/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>  Alan J Fletcher wrote:
>>> Rossi could have hand-carried a core to Defkalion, run tests, and then
>>> taken it way with him.
>> No regulator or government agency in the EU, the U.S. or Japan would allow
>> that. It is unthinkable. These organizations have many faults but they are
>> thorough. They do things rigorously, by the book. Running a few tests with
>> Rossi standing by is simply out of the question.
> I meant that Rossi could have taken a core to Defkalion for internal tests
> in a Hyperion rig -- NOT the government tests -- but not left it with them.
> This would allow the following two statements to be true:
> R: Nobody has an eCat
> D: We measured 6-20x energy gain

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