Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> Defkalion believes they will be allowed to distribute these things in
> Europe before the devices have been vetted by nuclear experts worldwide and
> before there is complete understanding the the reaction.
> But hasn't Rossi has always said that mini-eCats will be sold in the US in
> 2012? (Or was it that orders would be taken?).

He may have said that. He might believe it. Given the way modern society,
regulations and governance work, I think there is no chance it will happen.
Not in the U.S., the EU or Japan. I don't know enough about other parts of
the world to judge. Here in the first world you could not sell a new type of
toaster or vacuum cleaner without far more extensive testing than Rossi or
Defkalion have done.

People complain about the burden of regulations and the need for extreme
safety in new technology. It is somewhat irrational. We demand that a new
machine be far safer than the old version. In some cases, the old, unsafe
"grandfathered" technology goes on killing or maiming people for years, or
polluting the air, because the new one is so burdened with regulations and
with unrealistic expectations. People like and other participants here are
especially likely to complain about this. But I will bet that if you or I
visited China, we would think twice about taking a high speed train. We
might opt for the slower buses or conventional railroad trains, even knowing
that ordinary highway accidents for buses often occur in China, and it is
unlikely there will be another serious accident in the high speed trains so

I would NEVER install a Defkalion reactor in my own house until the machines
have been extensively be vetted by experts. I say this even though I have
seen cold fusion reactors in operation, including Mizuno's which are
demonstrably dangerous. It is one thing for me to take that risk for myself
in a laboratory. It is quite another to expose my family and neighbors to

- Jed

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