2011/8/23 Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com>:
> It CONFIRMS my "dryout point" hypothesis.

It really does not confirm your hypothesis.^^ But it does indeed
confirm my hypothesis that water inflow rate was 1-3 kg/h and total
heating power was around 810 W, i.e. only electric heater active, and
steam overpressure explains the heat anomaly that was probably above
100.0°C. (However exact temperature is unknown, because thermometer
calibration is unknown)

I hope that Rick will publish more videos and try to replicate also
those demonstrations, where we actually have measured data available.
In June experiment, our best figure was Rossi's claim for voltage that
was only off the mark by 10-15 volts. Therefore, Rossi did not only
show to Krivit a dummy E-Cat, but the whole experiment was dummy
experiment, i.e. noting significant was measured, but only working
principles was shown.

I think that I will rest with my psychological interpretation, and
Rossi did not like Krivit and did not want show him the real thing.


E-Cat replication with 800W heating element (Rick Cantwell)

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