Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

If Rossi turns out to be a fraud, or hugely mistaken for some reason, the skeptics here will deserve no credit for predicting this.

Getting a little defensive, are we, Jed?

No, but I am sick of people who play it safe by predicting failure where failure is likely. I am sick of people who criticize Rossi for his personality and for "lying" instead of looking at the technical issues. It is too easy to point out his personality faults and thereby evade serious consideration of the claims. Besides, I don't think he regards them as faults, and I doubt anyone is fit to throw the first stone. Rossi appears to be happy with his life. His wife loves him. Who are we to judge his way of talking? Who cares if he constantly contradicts himself or says things that appear to flagrant nonsense, such as the claim that Defkalion never tested a reactor? So what if his hobby is writing strange messages on his blog? What difference does any of that make?!? Learn to ignore that stuff, and concentrate on independent observations by Levi or E&K.

All too often in the history of science and technology, people have ignored important breakthroughs because of personality issues. Because the person who made the discovery was too bold, or too bashful, irritable, irrational, prone to telling fibs, or from wrong social class. Harrison, who invented the chronometer, is a classic example. If people in high places and academic hacks had not been sidetracked by his personality for a generation, and if they had looked at the technical claims instead of the person, thousands of lives and millions of dollars would have been saved.

If Rossi is right, everyone will say his habit of spouting off and his carelessness are merely the eccentricity of genus. All will be forgiven. I don't think it is the eccentricity of genius, because I know many stupid people who act this way. It is mostly harmless because you can usually tell when he is saying something that makes no sense. Just as you can tell with Steve Jobs. Rossi has done more good than harm. If he is right about this, he will have done a billion times more good than harm, so why make a big deal about his personality?

- Jed

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