Inquiring minds want to know... What does Defkalilon's have on hand?
Do they possess the equivalent of Rossi's eCat technology in-house, or
not. Speculation runs rampant. It's only fitting that I proceed with
some finely tuned oration of my own. Without further adieu:

I'm willing to speculate that perhaps by October/November Defkalion
may demonstrate a prototype - well, a prototype of sorts. However,
Defkalion's prototype may quickly reveal to astute observers that even
though there appears to be massive amounts of anomalous heat being
generated, far more than can be accounted for via through traditional
chemistry, the engineering involved, the "technology" being exploited,
may still reveal unacceptably high levels of instability. IOW, the
engineering displayed may not be reliable enough to be used
out-of-the-box for commercial exploitation in either industrial or
private use.

IOW, more R&D funding is needed. I would speculate that this is what
Defkalion hopes to elicit at the speculated October/November
dog-and-pony show. They may be hoping that their demonstration will
convince targeted investors that it would be a prudent move on their
part to sign up and fork over millions of Dollars & Euros for
additional R&D. The eventual payoff: To be the first kids on the
planet to cash in on selling cheap and affordable energy to an energy
hungry planet.

In order to convince prospective investors fork over Defkalion will
have to convince them that not only are they working on a highly
promising & brand new form of energy producing technology, they are
WELL AHEAD of any other enterprise working on similar technology. In
order for their plan to work the demonstration will have to prove
unequivocally that there is no fraud involved nor any kind of
scientific deception either intentionally or unintentionally. They
will have to demonstrate unequivocally that their prototype doesn't
cost much to feed as it goes about the mysterious business of
generating far more heat than can be accounted for via the laws of
quantum physics as currently understood. Finally, they will have to
prove that this brand new technology won't be costly to maintain in
the long run, month after month - year after year.

Disclaimer: I claim the right to at any time I see fit update my
fickle opinions pending forthcoming news of substance.

"warm" Regards,
Steven Vincent Johnson

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