OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

Inquiring minds want to know... What does Defkalilon's have on hand?
> Do they possess the equivalent of Rossi's eCat technology in-house, or
> not.

They say they do. See their web site, their statements at PESN, and the
press conference in Athens.

At one point, Rossi said they do not have the technology. However, he was
present during the press conference, sitting at the podium. He was later
interviewed by several reporters. I suppose that if they had been lying he
would have said something like: "This press conference was a fraud; they do
not have any eCats. They have never tested one." He said nothing like that.
He was agreeable as you see in the videos. So I discount his later
statements. Also, I believe he more or less retracted saying the dispute is
only related to money, not technical claims.

Along the same lines, the Minister of Energy attended the press conference.
He also seemed agreeable. During the press conference they claimed they are
testing devices at the Ministry. I suppose if that were not true he would
have said something. I'm only speculating here. This is circumstantial
evidence at best. Perhaps the Minister did not have any knowledge of the
company or any knowledge what they were doing yet he attended the press
conference anyway and he sat there nodding when they made statements about
his ministry which -- if untrue -- will soon result in a scandal that will
cause him to be fired, and perhaps bring down the administration.

I do not suppose a politician would do that, but you never know. Stranger
things have happened.

- Jed

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