Hi Walter!

Am 18.09.2011 14:04, schrieb Walter Eager:
Regarding your "Debunking of Steorn"
You have some great theory my friend. It sure makes a lot of sense, and I do agree with some of what you are
saying (because it makes sense).
Just one thing. Have you actually tested your theory?
No. I do however have knowledge and experience how magnet amplifiers and magnetic transductors work, and so this is not pure theory. Most of this what I say is well understood by any engineer and there is no need to prove my theory, ther would be a need to disprove it, if there are any doubts. I have now doubts.
I know for a fact that Steorn have done some muli-million dollar practical, real-life tests to prove what they are saying, what have you brought to the table?
Yes, it is a big investment hoax, this is not the only one that exists, this is clear to me.

Even J.L. Naudin have done some real-life testing, even if he hasn't yet proven overunity, but he has proven the principle of the point that Steorn has made.
What have you done apon which you base your so-called theory?
As said, it is not theory, it is based on well known facts.
I can clearly explain how this works, Naudin obviously cannot. You can use all sophisticated instruments and calculation, if there is a lack of understanding, this is useless. Naudin clearly doesnt understand it. If he understood it then he would try to demonstrate the back EMF. This shoudnt. be too difficult, but he shows no efforts in this direction, but does instead present a lot of overcomplicated measuremts and data without getting any clear result.

> You say you "THINK" this is easy to debunk!! This clearly shows to me you are unsure of your own facts.

Im not unsure. Im just polite. If you dont want to agree, you need not to do it
I dont force anybody to share my personal opinions.

Be careful my friend, words are cheap, and just fools try to "DEBUNK" others without physical proof. 2 Days before the Wright brothers made their first flight a so-called "expert" debunked them saying "Such a thing (flying) is impossible and foolhardy and it will never be done". This "expert" was compelled to publicly acknowledge his mistake afterwards!
The Wright brother finally and repeatedly did fly.
Steorn never has done a successful demonstration and all indpendent tests that where done years ago where without positive results

How degrading! This so-called expert completely lost face afterwards.
Real proof can only be gotten from real-life experimentation. I don't care if you have the most brilliant theories, but if they have not undergone any physical proof they are worthless my friend.
This is not a brilliant theory.
My explanation is based on well known and well proven and rather trivial technical facts and principles.

Best wishes,


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