Am 19.09.2011 17:10, schrieb Ron Wormus:
As far as I can see Naudin has never tried an experiment that did not work for him.

His MAHG power measurements are in error (which has been pointed out to him).
I did not analyze his power measurements. It is clear to me that an error with pulsating currents is easy to do for beginners, but not for trained an experienced persons. Also he measured it with an digital 2 channel osilloscope. This should be able to do the calculation. I think the curren is repetitive and periodic and only a complete ignorat or a careless person can do errors of 2000% or more
 with that. (He claims COP of 20 and more)
His write ups are beautifully presented but in my opinion generally unreliable.
I found his electrostatic (Biefield Brown) experiments pointless. There is a large leakage current and therefore no overunity and a lot of ion-wind. He claims there is no ion wind. I have done such experiments myself, therefore this was clear to me when I studied his reports and videos..

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