My Two Cents--
I must confess that I'm unfamiliar with the effect of electromagnetism on 
conductive heating. I thought that I'd throw out a few questions regarding the 
observations of the 4th paper, hoping to learn:
Background for the questions: Alternating current (dependent on the frequency) 
can produce a more prominent "skin effect" on conductors than standard direct 
current.  This skin effect can cause the vast bulk of current to flow down only 
the outer surface of a conductor.  
Q1) Does this uneven current flow translate to potentially uneven heating - 
even at equilibrium? 
Q2) Could the nickel core be cooler in the middle with more heat being 
concentrated, and subsequently shed, on the surface?
Q3) Could the surface of the inductor wires appear hotter, though the entire 
conductor is dissipating the same amount of total heat?
Donating to the World, Two Cents at a Time,
Documents 1-3 were quite interesting - compelling, really.  I'm going to have 
to read up more on Steorn.

 Document #4 - "It's getting hot in here, turn off that Orbo!"

The fourth report that we were allowed to examine is unique from the others in 
that it is about a solid state version of Steorn's technology. It is also the 
most recent of the documents, being written in March, 2011. 

A solid state Orbo offers the potential of having no moving parts, having no 
need for bearings (as in permanent manget (PM) or E-Orbo configurations), being 
simpler to build, and potentially being simpler to test. Other advantages of 
solid state Orbo include fewer parts to wear out, and perhaps more potential to 
evolve quickly -- in a similar manner to the way computers evolved during the 
past twenty years. 

In this paper the author describes a very simple configuration that involves a 
coil wrapped around a nickel core (that is both magnetic and conductive) acting 
as an inductor. The coil and core is placed in a calorimeter composed of a 
vacuum chamber. Two thermocouples measure the temperature of the coil itself, 
and the temperature of the air in the room. A metered power supply provides the 
input power to the coil, and an oscilloscope monitors the current, voltage, and 
can also calculate total input power by using a math function of the scope.

The purpose of the test is to determine if the coil fed with a quantity of AC 
power, can produce more heat than the same coil fed with the same quantity of 
DC power. In the paper, the formula needed to calculate the total AC power is 
presented. The AC input and DC input is configured to be as identical as 
possible. Actually, the power input during the AC run was .9 (point nine) 
watts, and in the DC run it was 1 (one) watt. The fact that the input power 
during the AC run was slightly less than in the DC run actually biases the test 
against the AC run. This makes the results of the test even more significant.

In the first test, 1 watt of DC power is fed into the coil wound around the 
nickel core. The temperature of the coil increases until it reaches an 
equilibrium point of 36.1 degrees. This is the point at which the power lost by 
the coil via heat dissipation matches the electrical input power. Even if the 
input power stayed on for hours longer, the temperature of the coil would not 
increase above this temperature. 

In the second test, .9 watts is fed into the same coil wound around the same 
exact nickel core. Obviously, this test took place a period of time after the 
first one, after the temperature of the coil has dropped back to its original 
value. The result of AC being fed into the coil is that it rises to an 
equilibrium temperature of 41.1 degrees. This means that in the AC test, the 
temperature of the coil reached a temperature five degrees higher than in the 
DC test. 

The higher equilibrium temperature obtained when the coil was powered with AC, 
indicates an anomalous gain of energy. The gain of energy is unexplainable, 
because the input power in both tests were almost identical -- actually 
slightly less when AC was utilized. As the paper continues, the author 
indicates that resistive heating cannot be the case for the increased 
temperature in the AC test run. 

Here is the conclusion found at the end of the paper.

"The extra heating effect under the application of an AC signal is not 
explained simply by the transfer of input power to the coil. Consideration of 
the energy input to the system does not account for the energy output -- as 
evidenced by the steady state temperature; there is an extra effect which needs 
to be isolated and identified.

"This investigation has not been able to suggest a reason for the energy output 
from the AC case. While it has been demonstrated and verified, and the DC case 
shows resistive heating as expected, there is no such simple explanation for 
the behavior of the coil under AC heating."

The conclusion must be that this is an energy output which is higher than would 
be expected from the power input, and caused by the response of the coil to the 
alternating signal."

It seems likely that this "extra effect" is part of Steorn's magnetic overunity 
effect that allows for the production of free energy. After many months of 
hearing little about Steorn's progress developing the Orbo technology, it is 
refreshing to read a report that demonstrates a clear, simple, and obvious gain 
of energy -- in this case, in the form of heat. 

A Breakthrough for the Free Energy Community

Although the amount of free energy produced in the fourth paper mentioned above 
is not huge, it seems to be well documented by a professional. The point of the 
experiment was not to produce large amounts of energy, but to document and 
prove an overunity magnetic effect. The test seems to have satisfied that goal. 
Scaled up and fully developed, this configuration might be capable of producing 
much greater amounts of excess energy.

One interesting thing to note is the experiment seems so simple it makes me 
think it could be fairly easily replicated. Of course Steorn may not be ready 
to share the additional information that would be useful for a replication, but 
if Steorn decided to even partially open source this technology (for 
individuals outside of Steorn to replicate) PESN would be eager to assist such 
an effort. 


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