Hi Jack,

Nice to see you are still around. A much clearer version of the graph is located at the end of my data analysis:


I sent several versions to vortex, increasingly compressed, before I got passed the vortex filter.

A much better clip of the legend is attached.

The legend tags are:

red circle - Pin (kW)  [power in]
blue diamond - Pout (kW)  [power out]
yellow square - Ein (kWh) [energy in]
brown triangle - Eout (kWh) [energy in]

Ooops! - I see I made a typo on the original graph W instead of kWh. I have fixed it in the report and the new legend is attached.

Thanks for the correction!

The x axis shows elapsed time in minutes. The Y axis shows kw for Pin and Pout, kWh for Ein and Eout.

I felt it was important to show these values all on the same graph because it clearly shows that once hot water is flowing, i.e. power is turned off, quickly eliminating much steam volume, the excess heat values show up immediately. Eout only crosses Ein, i.e. COP>1 occurs, only once the electric power is mostly shut down.

During the first 130 minutes there is no hot water flow because the E- cat is still filling up, and still heating up, thus the blue line remains flat near zero. Once the flow begins the over unity power begins. It is quickly elevated when the power is turned off.

Notice the steep decline trend of the blue curve from 350 minutes to 550 minutes. This corresponds to the nearly drop in T2 (not shown), which likely corresponds to a drop in the internal temperature of the huge thermal mass of hot metal inside. It is most notable the experiment was terminated when that temperature approached 100°C.

Due to bad calorimetry, there is an "excess energy" explanation for all the Rossi tests if you think in terms of how the output thermometer can be affected by thermal wicking - an old problem discussed many years ago with regards to metal thermometer wells in CF cells.

The thermometer attached to the heat exchanger is right next to the water/steam input to the heat exchanger. There is an insulated thick metal heat conduit from the steam inlet to the Tout thermometer. When steam goes into the heat exchanger it does not have enough specific heat to provide a large false reading on the Tout, which is maintained at a lower temperature by the competing cold water flow. However, when power is cut back, and pure nearly 100°C water is pumped to the heat exchanger from the E-cat, that water has the thermal power to drive up a large false temperature reading on the Tout. This explains why there is an upward temperature movement almost immediately every time the electric power is cut back. The steam quickly abates, leaving only a water flow due to the pump. The Tout thermocouple is placed directly on the metal and under insulation, not placed in the water, so this is a perfect situation in which to obtain false temperature readings.

There is still enough energy stored in the metal thermal mass to produce a bit of steam, on the order of 100 W or so. This is enough to generate a percolator effect which makes the blue line erratic as shown.

It is notable that if a calibration run were made then this kind of measuring error, if it exists, would show up as soon as the test device were full and up to temperature and then the power cut back.

In the case of the thermometer hidden inside the Rossi device, and previous devices, they are subject to direct wicking from a large insulated metal thermal mass which heats up well beyond 100°C. Also, steam present above the water line in the device, especially in the chimney of the earlier devices, when the flow is reduced, is subject to superheating to some degree. The 120°C temperature recorded may just be a thermometry problem - easily solved by measuring outlet temperature a small distance down the hose away from the device itself, where the thermometer is not subject to direct metal to metal thermal wicking.

It is notable that in this test the primary flow circuit is open. Pressure should not build up inside the E-cat, unless valves are present inside which close or partially close automatically near 100° C. However, the water "condensed steam" flow through the heat exchanger was manually verified, indicating a significant flow was present, indicating the pressure should not be high inside the E- cat. Yet a higher than 100°C reading was present for the thermometer inside the E-cat. That indicates a good possibility that it is merely a systematic false reading.

On Oct 8, 2011, at 12:23 PM, Taylor J. Smith wrote:

Hi Horace,  10-8-11

I don't understand the two attached captions
for your graph.  Would you please put them in
plain text (ascii) for me?

Also, I would appreciate any explanation of the
graph you can give me.

Thanks, Jack Smith<rossi106.jpg><r2os106.jpg>

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

<<inline: Legend.png>>

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