Hi Rich,

Just a brief comment.

You said:

> ...I am mainly waiting for Rossi himself to come to his
> senses, do a proper run to show to himself there is no
> excess heat anomaly, and then promptly share this with
> complete candor...

To be honest I currently don't feel I'm proficient enough with the necessary
math pertaining to the latest Oct 6 test to make a judgment call.
Nevertheless, I am still of the opinion that there is probably excess heat -
enough excess heat that it will eventually be commercialized, but that is
just my opinion. Opinions are a dime a dozen. ...and remember what the
Buddha had to say on that matter of people and their damned opinionated
opinions. ;-)

In the meantime, let me touch on a different matter, something else that I
think we can share some common ground on. Recall the thoughts of Eckhart
Tolle, and the need to stay in the present moment. While keeping that
thought in mind - I would recommend not putting too much "psychic" energy
into anticipating what you hope Rossi will eventually do. IMO, "waiting for
"Rossi..." to comply to your wishes is just another way of allowing yourself
to become lost in a maze of future events - in a future drama of what you
hope will pan out, all in order to prove that you were right all along. To
be honest, Rich, I've been wrong probably more times than I have been right.
But I've discovered that I also tend to learn a lot more when I realize I
was wrong about something. I wish the same kind of progress for you. In the
meantime, "Waiting for Rossi" to do this or that is just another long string
of traps we humans allow ourselves to get ensnared in - a trap in this case
that is specifically designed to detract us from becoming aware of ourselves
and the power of ourselves in the present moment. I am, of course, still
learning that lesson myself. But I think I'm getting better at it. Just a
suggestion, Rich.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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