Rossi has stated that the energy released by the LENR reaction is in the form 
of moderate energy gamma rays(X-Rays?)  These rays are converted into heat 
within the lead shielding and coolant.  If this is true, heat to activate the 
core could be made to exit into the coolant to slow down the reaction.  The 
actual temperature within the core section is perhaps  600(?) C degrees or 
more.  You can find his statement within his journal if it is important to you. 
 The 60 degree figure probably refers to the temperature of the water bath when 
the core reaches its starting value.


>From: Bruno Santos <>
>Sent: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 2:04 pm

>Rossi is always saying that he needs the electric power to "stabilize" the 
>reaction. Maybe it stars at 60 degrees, but needs to be hotter, or needs to be 
>heated for a long time, to "stabilize". 

>Whatever he means by "stabilize". 


2011/10/18 Peter Heckert <>

What I still dont understand: If the outer surface reaches 66° then everything 
inside must be hotter than 60 degrees.
Why is electric heating still needed? Ok, there is cold water flowing in. They 
could run this through an internal  heat exchanger and avoid electric 

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