Hi Horace,

I find your posts quite interesting and you seem to have a rational rather
than emotional approach which makes for good reading.

I just read your reply to Dave and as it seemed to make the ECat (and my
kettle) impossible I thought I'd double check some of your calculations and
I think you've made a mistake on the heat flow from the reactor:

R = (0.002 m)/(16 W/(m K)*(1.8x10^-2 m^2) = 1.78 °C/W

By my calculations:
R = 0.002/(16 * 0.018)
  = 0.002/.288
  = 0.007 °C/W

>From engineeringtoolbox.com

*Fourier's Law* express conductive heat transfer as

*q = k A dT / s         (1)*


*A = heat transfer area (m2, ft2)*

*k = thermal conductivity of the
or W/m
oC, Btu/(hr oF ft2/ft))*

*dT = temperature difference across the material (K or oC, oF)*

*s = material thickness (m, ft)*

So A = 180 CM^2 = 0.018 M^2

     K =  16 W/(m K)
    s = 0.002m

Then q = 16*0.018*dT/0.002
       = 144 * dT

So for 2500W we'd have a temperature difference of 2500/144 = 17 C
which is quite reasonable.

This is all way out of my area of expertise so I could be messing up
units somewhere.

Best Regards, Colin

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 4:22 AM, Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net>wrote:

> On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:36 AM, David Roberson wrote:
>> Rossi has stated that the energy released by the LENR reaction is in the
>> form of moderate energy gamma rays(X-Rays?)  These rays are converted into
>> heat within the lead shielding and coolant.  If this is true, heat to
>> activate the core could be made to exit into the coolant to slow down the
>> reaction.  The actual temperature within the core section is perhaps  600(?)
>> C degrees or more.  You can find his statement within his journal if it is
>> important to you.  The 60 degree figure probably refers to the temperature
>> of the water bath when the core reaches its starting value.
>> Dave
> Hi Dave,
> Welcome to vortex!
> I am happy to see your spreadsheet made it through the vortex filter.
>  Historically nothing made it through above 40KB without special processing
> by Bill Beaty himself. Your post with spreadsheet was 55.4 KB. Either a new
> limmit has been established or Bill Beaty is closely watching (the latter
> seems to me unlikely.)
> The implications that gammas heat the lead and coolant do not make any
> sense.  If they had the energy to make it out of the stainless steel fuel
> compartment used in prior tests, then they would have been readily detected
> by Celani's counter.  This was discussed here in relation to my "Review of
> Travel report by Hanno Essén and Sven Kullander, 3 April 2011".
> http://www.mail-archive.com/**vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg51632.**html<http://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg51632.html>
> http://www.mail-archive.com/**vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg51644.**html<http://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg51644.html>
> http://www.mail-archive.com/**vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg51648.**html<http://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg51648.html>
> Excerpted below are the most relevant notes I made regarding the April 3,
> 2011 test:
> It appears the heating chamber goes from the 34 cm to the 40 cm mark in
> length, not 35 cm to 40 cm as marked. Maybe the band heater extends beyond
> the end of the copper.  It appears 5 cm is the length to be used for the
> heating chamber. Using the 50 mm diameter above, and 5 cm length we have
> heating chamber volume V:
>   V = pi*(2.4 cm)^2*(5 cm) = 90 cm^3
> If we use 46 mm for the internal diameter we obtain an internal volume of:
>   V = pi*(2.4 cm)^2*(5 cm) = 83 cm^3
> Judging from the scale of picture, determined by the ruler, the OD of the
> heating chamber appears to actually be 6.1 cm.  The ID thus might be 5.7 cm.
>  This gives:
>   V = pi*(2.85 cm)^2*(5 cm) = 128 cm^3
> The nickel container is stated to be about 50 cm^3, leaving 78 cm^3 volume
> in the heating chamber through which the water is heated.
> If the Ni containing chamber is 50 cm^3, and 4.5 cm long, then its radius r
> is:
>   r = sqrt(V/(Pi L) = sqrt((50 cm^3)/(Pi*(4.5 cm)) = 3.5 cm
> total surface are S is:
>   S = 2*Pi*r^2 + 2*Pi*r*L = 2*Pi*(r^2+r*L) = 2*Pi*((3.5 cm)^2 + (3.5
> cm)*(4.5 cm))
>   S = 180 cm^2
> The surface material is stainless steel.
> If the stainless steel compartment has a surface area of approximately S =
> 180 cm^2, as approximated above, and 4.39 kW heat flow through it occurred,
> as specified in the report, then the heat flow was (4390 W)/(180 cm^2) =
> 24.3 W/cm^2 = 2.4x10^5 W/m^2.
> The thermal conductivity of stainless steel is 16 W/(m K).  The compartment
> area is 180 cm^2 or 1.8x10^-2 m^2. If the wall thickness is 2 mm = 0.002 m,
> then the thermal resistance R of the compartment is:
>   R = (0.002 m)/(16 W/(m K)*(1.8x10^-2 m^2) = 1.78 °C/W
> Producing a heat flow of 4.39 kW, or 4390 W then requires a delta T given
> as:
>   delta T = (1.78 °C/W) * (4390 W) = 7800 °C
> The melting point of Ni is 1453°C.  Even if the internal temperature of the
> chamber were 1000°C above water temperature then power out would be at best
> (1000°C)/(1.78 °C/W) = 561 W.
> As I have shown, if the gamma energies are large, on the order of an MeV, a
> large portion of the gammas, on the order of 25%, will pass right through 2
> cm of lead.
> The lower the energy of the gammas, the more that make up a kW of gamma
> flux.  Consider the following:
>  Energy    Activity (in gammas per second) for 1 kW
> --------   ----------
> 1.00 MeV   6.24x10^15
> 100  keV   6.24x10^16
> 10.0 keV   6.24x10^17
> The absorption for low energy gammas is mostly photoelectic.  The
> photoelectric mass attenuation coefficient (expressed in cm^2/gm) increases
> with decreasing gamma wavelength.  Here are some approximations:
>  Energy    mu (cm^2/gm)
> --------   ----------
> 1.00 MeV   0.02
> 100  keV   1.0
> 10.0 keV   80
> We can approximate the gamma absorption qualities of the subject E-cat as
> 2.3 cm of lead.
> Given a source gamma intensity I0, surrounded by 2.3 cm of lead we have an
> activity:
>   I = I0 * exp(-mu * rho * L)
> where rho is the mass density, and L is the thickness.  For lead rho =
> 11.34 gm/cm^3.
> For 1 kW of MeV gammas we have:
>   I = (6.24x10^15 s^-1) * exp(-(0.02 cm^2/gm) * (11.34 gm/cm^3) *(2.3 cm))
>   I = 3.7x10^15 s^-1
> For 1 kW of 100 keV gammas we have:
>   I = (6.24x10^16 s^-1) * exp(-(1.0 cm^2/gm) * (11.34 gm/cm^3) *(2.3 cm))
>   I = 2.9x10^5 s^-1
> For 1 kW of 10 keV gammas we have:
>   I = (6.24x10^17 s^-1) * exp(-(0.80 cm^2/gm) * (11.34 gm/cm^3) *(2.3 cm))
>   I = ~0 s^-1
> So, we can see that gammas at 100 keV will be readily detectible, but much
> below that not so. However, it is also true that 0.2 cm of stainless will
> absorb the majority of the low energy gamma energy, so we are back
> essentially where we started, all the heat absorbed by the stainless, and
> even the catalyst itself, in the low energy range.
> If the 2 mm of stainless is equivalent to 1 mm of lead, for 1 kW of 100 keV
> gammas we have:
>   I = (6.24x10^16 s^-1) * exp(-(1.0 cm^2/gm) * (11.34 gm/cm^3) *(0.1 cm))
>   I = 2x10^16 s^-1
> and an attenuation factor of (2x10^16 s^-1)/(6.24x10^16 s^-1) = 32%.  Down
> near 10 keV all the gamma energy is captured in the stainless steel or in
> the nickel itself.
> To support this hypothesis a p+Ni reaction set including all possibilities
> for all the Ni isotopes in the catalyst would have to be found that emitted
> gammas only in the approximately 50 kEV range or below, but well above 10
> keV, and yet emitted these at a kW level. This seems very unlikely.  If such
> were found, however, it would be a monumental discovery. And, it would be
> easily detectible at close range by NaI detectors, easily demonstrated
> scientifically.
> ... can anything said about the inside of the E-cat be believed?  There are
> numerous self-inconsistencies in Rossi's statements, and behaviors.  These
> things may be justifiable in Rossi's mind to protect his secrets.   Whether
> justified or not, such things damage credibility.
> One thing is for sure: if the E-cat is operated at significant pressure
> then 2 mm walls would be too thin at high temperatures. Also, there are
> other limits to surface steam generation I have not discussed, that take
> precedence at high power densities.  One limiting factor is the ability of
> the catalyst and hydrogen to transfer heat to the walls of the stainless
> steel container, a process which would likely be mostly very small
> convection cell driven. Again, we know too little about the internals.
>  Nothing much new about that.  A heat transfer limit is reached if a stable
> vapor film is formed between the walls of the catalyst container and the
> water.  The top of the catalyst container may be exposed to vapor, thereby
> increasing the thermal resistance, the effective surface area. At high heat
> transfer rates bubbles can limit transfer rates. It would be an interesting
> and challenging, though now probably meaningless, experiment to put 4 kW
> into a small stainless steel container under water and see what happens, see
> if the element burns out, etc.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner
> http://www.mtaonline.net/~**hheffner/<http://www.mtaonline.net/%7Ehheffner/>

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