On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:50 PM, Colin Hercus wrote:

Hi Horace,

I find your posts quite interesting and you seem to have a rational rather than emotional approach which makes for good reading.

I just read your reply to Dave and as it seemed to make the ECat (and my kettle) impossible I thought I'd double check some of your calculations and I think you've made a mistake on the heat flow from the reactor:

R = (0.002 m)/(16 W/(m K)*(1.8x10^-2 m^2) = 1.78 °C/W

By my calculations:
R = 0.002/(16 * 0.018)
  = 0.002/.288
  = 0.007 °C/W

Yes you are right! Another one of my clerical mistakes. The above should be written:

R = (0.002 m)/((16 W/(m K)*(1.8x10^-2 m^2)) = 6.94x10^-3 °C/W

Producing a heat flow of 4.39 kW, or 4390 W then requires a delta T given as:

   delta T = (6.94x10^-3 °C/W) * (4390 W) = 30.46 °C

Using Fourier's law to check, I get

  q = (16 W/(m K))*(1.8x10^-2 m^2)*(30.47 K)/(0.002 m) = 4387 W

 which is well within tolerance.

I did not put the review up on my site. I should correct it and put it there.

Thanks for the correction! I wish my calculations were checked more often.

From engineeringtoolbox.com

Fourier's Law express conductive heat transfer as
q = k A dT / s         (1)


A = heat transfer area (m2, ft2)

k = thermal conductivity of the material (W/m.K or W/m oC, Btu/(hr oF ft2/ft))

dT = temperature difference across the material (K or oC, oF)

s = material thickness (m, ft)

So A = 180 CM^2 = 0.018 M^2
     K =  16 W/(m K)
    s = 0.002m

Then q = 16*0.018*dT/0.002
       = 144 * dT

So for 2500W we'd have a temperature difference of 2500/144 = 17 C which is quite reasonable.

This is all way out of my area of expertise so I could be messing up units somewhere.

Best Regards, Colin

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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