Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

> On 11-10-24 01:22 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> Let us think of Rossi in terms of how he would fit into the great works of
>> literature and drama. Think of the role that would best fit his
>> larger-than-life persona. Merlin? Prospero? John Galt?
> Bernard Madoff comes first to mind.

Madoff was a smooth talker who inspired confidence in his listeners. Rossi
says mind-boggling things and before you can say "What?!?" he yells <meep
meep!> and goes charging off down the road. You can't keep up with the man.

Rossi moves fast, but he does not inspire confidence in me, or in any of the
investors I have spoken with. I cannot think of what the opposite of
confidence would be but whatever it is, that's what Rossi engenders. Fear,
confusion, a sense of chaos. An overwhelming sense that it would be insane
to invest money with this man.

Madoff made you feel you could trust him with your life savings. You could
kick back and relax, and let Bernie handle everything. Rossi makes me feel I
would be risking my life just to stand in the room when he tests his
machine. He is like some teenage kid playing chicken on the highway at 3

- Jed

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