Following up on Jed's comments:

Conjecture that Rossi has been, in a sense, indirectly obfuscating
some of his own results - as if to throw the bloodhounds off of his
scent trail has been discussed to some extent within the Vort
Collective. I suspect there is some merit to such conjecture.

It's a form of disinformation. Disinformation is used all the time in
warfare, both the hot and cold kind. Businesses use disinformation to
confuse and baffle their competition all the time as well, so why
wouldn't Rossi avail himself to exploiting the same tactics.

Under the current circumstances, particularly where control over
Rossi's little-understood technology could easily be pirated, Rossi
would be naive not to employ disinformation tactics. Indirectly
allowing his technology to appear bogus in the eyes of the scientific
community through Rossi's repeated inaction of following inadequate
scientific protocols, of not generating a sufficient amount of
scientific evidence, is a tactically expedient way of dealing with
potential competitors. Rossi, IMHO, is not naive.

Also consider the possibility that Rossi may not even have to be
deliberately pursuing this kind of a disinformation campaign. The fact
that it's pretty well understood that Rossi's possesses a
mercurial/intuitive temperament, a temperament that often does not
seem to lend itself to the rigors of following proper scientific
protocol, and well... the rumor mill will take care of the rest. The
result is that conjecture that Rossi might be a con artist cannot be
completely overruled. Add to the fact that anyone who is inclined to
be suspicious and/or cynical of the actions of others, particularly
where the evidence appears to have been obfuscated - the only
conclusion that would make any sense to such observers would be that
Rossi must be a fake.

Meanwhile, as a business venture, all Rossi really needs to accomplish
is to convince prospective investors of the fact that his
controversial technology, however flawed and incomplete it may be, is
authentic and repeatable. If prospective investors are allowed to
bring in their own trusted experts (as they appeared to have been able
to do at the Oct 28 demo), and if those trusted experts come away
convinced that Rossi's technology is for real, the investor will sign
on the dotted line and Rossi wins. It doesn't matter one damned hoot
if the scientific community, skeptics and scoffers continue to hoot
and holler and scream "FOUL" and "SCAM!". Rossi will be laughing all
the way to the bank, while Rossi's investors realize the distinct
possibility that they have acquired a potential competitive
technological edge over their rivals. Under the circumstances, such
investors are probably inclined to remain discrete. They will probably
continue the charade a little while longer. They will use that time to
secretly tinker away in their own R&D labs in an effort to improve on
the technology to the point that it can be commercialized.

The question we should be asking ourselves is as follows:

Is Rossi a con artist?

Only Rossi's investors know.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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