Am 03.11.2011 22:08, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

He has also proved it by first principles in the Oct. 6 test. Unless you think a 30 L container of water can magically radiate heat for 4 hours and yet remain hot while you run 60 L of tap water through it.

It is ridiculous that anyone would question his results after that. There is no chance there was a hidden battery, wires or chemical fuel.
Not ridiculous.
Rossi is a magically talented engineer but because he never has proven his claims -and this would be easy if true- we must assume that he abuses his abilities to fool us.

Theory of magic:
It is possible to keep the water boiling if you realize that the amperemeter was not watched constantly. If he has a magical switch that switches the power on, when nobody watches then he can keep the water boiling. If somebody watches the meter for longer time, he evacuates the output hose and with reduced pressure the water will keep boiling. As soon as the examiner gets bored and stops to watch the amp meter, Rossi switches the power on again.
He might have a helper person.
If anything goes wrong then he lets a leak arise and stops the experiment prematurely. He is very experienced and might have a hundred tricks that I dont know and he always uses these tricks that are opportune.
He has needed many years of research to invent this magical apparatus.
For example he is a good psychologist and he knows how to fool people.
He knows, that human temperature sensibility is very relative and easy to fool. Let someone touch a cold object and then touch a 50° object and he will think it is 100° and pull back his fingers immediately.
He kows how to manipulate people and make them believe.

If you remember the Krivit demo where he touches the tower and then pulls his fingers back as if burned. He tries to suggest it is hotter than it is. If he is experienced, shouldnt he expect heat in advance? I would have touched this much more carefully if I had experience. Same when he touches the output hose for the first time. Appears as if he is surprised by the heat. After doing this twice he uses a cloth. Isnt this silly? As any good magician and artist, as soon as he notices, people are following and believing what he says he goes to the next level and as soon he has pulled the people to the level of absurdity they believe anything he suggests because they have learned what he says is surprisingly true.

This is my unprovable and irrefutable theory about magic, of course I cannot know if it can be applied to Rossi.


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