Re: [Vo]:National Instruments signs to do E-Cat controls
Mary Yugo
Fri, 11 Nov 2011 11:44:09 -0800

>> The deal with Rossi sounds much more like an OEM contract, and they are
>> very
>> likely to have done some diligence on it. Just the risk of adverse PR
>> (which they are already experiencing,
>> I suspect) would require a reasonable return on the cost of the perceived
>> risk.

>What due diligence do you think they did?  And how do you know?  And whose
>word are we relying on about the need to label the panel with the maker's
>logo?  Yes, I read the statement that NI approved their
>writeup.  Maybe they didn't read it as carefully as they should have.

> also endorses, promotes and tries to actually raise funds for
>UFO stories, conspiracies, and free energy perpetual motion schemes that
>can't possibly be anything other than rank scams.  They (and Sterling Allan
>and Hank Mills) are not usually a reliable source of information.

>If the contract with NI is the best available evidence that Rossi's kludge
>works, that's a pretty sad commentary.   On the other hand, if NI conducted
>independent tests of it, that would be very interesting.  However, nothing
>I read remotely suggests that.

Mary --

I don't know they did diligence: as noted above, I said I thought it likely.
We have Rossi's comment in public about the labeling clause, which NI can
exception to if not true.  I've done OEM deals: ones which allow, let alone
public branding typically have required approval from management (read:
director or
VP level), and press releases will require approval, passing legal, and
_making business sense_. If NI were concerned about risk, they could have
a deal prohibiting any publicity. I've seen my share of those, too. :-(

This proves nothing, of course. But personally, I'm not demanding proof.
I'm interested
in information and data. I can draw my own conclusions ...

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