On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 11:25 PM, Jouni Valkonen
<jounivalko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, but your original question was written wrong. You meant to ask
> "is there other techniques to get rid of the heat?". There is no
> need to get rid of water, just get rid of heat.

Sorry if my questions were not clear.  I'm not asking if there are
other techniques to extract heat.  I'm talking about the Oct. 28th
demonstration, where 3716 liters of water were reportedly vaporized.
I am trying to understand the energetical implications of this claim.

My current understanding is that about 3716 liters of water "escaped
into air" in 5.5 hours.  Now, vaporization is one way of getting water
to escape into air.  That takes 8.4 gigajoules plus whatever is needed
to heat the water, right?

What about nebulization?  Is that possible, would that match what was
seen, and how much energy would it take to nebulize 3716 liters of
water in 5.5 hours so that it escapes into the atmosphere?
Berke Durak

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