Isn't the CEO of Earthtech this guy:

It seems that the most mainstream research he ever did was cold fusion, heh.

2011/11/15 Mary Yugo <>

> My apologies : I was confusing you with Stella_Nokia  (eg on Defkalion).
> No worries.
> For what it's worth, I can assure you I am not "she".  Stella_Nokia is
> another pseudonym for the person who writes more often as Alsetalokin and
> Tinsel Koala.  He's someone who's worked in physics and engineering labs
> for decades and has some sort of association with Earthtech and several
> other testing organizations/labs though he won't reveal anything about
> himself on forums.
> As to my banning history if anyone cares, I was not banned from Defkalion
> forums.  I may forgotten some but I was originally banned from Steorn's
> because some moron admin "deduced" that I was another poster, a Penny
> Gruber, who in fact made much more insightful and clever and well
> documented posts than I ever took the trouble to do.  I was reinstated when
> I clarified that issue.  Eventually Steorn banned more and more people
> until at the end I was banned again and everybody was eventually banned
> because they dissolved the forum and deleted four years of posts.  Some
> confidence in their products and claims!
> I was banned by Sterling Allan (I almost forgot about it because it means
> so little) for reminding him repeatedly that you can't run cars on water as
> the sole fuel.  Pity. I still write to that forum from time time using the
> anonymous option.   I was banned from because Paul Story
> only wants people who rave on about how great the E-cat is.  Other than
> that, I remember being banned from several forums belonging to psychic
> mediums who talk to the dead.  I suggested some easy tests they should
> conduct and they refused -- sort of like Rossi does.  They like their
> stacked-in-advance tests better.  Rossi initially answered a few easy
> questions I asked and then never published anything I wrote him that was at
> all incisive even though I was always polite and even supportive.  I simply
> created another name and he answered a couple of questions for that
> "person".  He's very weird.

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