Alan J Fletcher <> wrote:

4. Rossi purges the core, eg with air or Nitrogen, until there is a very
> small chance of hydrogen being left.

That can be hard to do, and really hard to know if you have succeeded. It
might take a couple of weeks. Ed Storms devised automatic equipment to do
something like this the Case experiment. It cycled through added gas, and
then pulled a vacuum.

I guess N would be okay but air may permanently contaminate it. My guess is
that a vacuum would be your best bet.

This seems like a pointless exercise  to me. Of course I understand the
necessity for blank runs and controls when you are trying to measure a
fraction of a watt, or even ~10 W. But with kilowatt levels of heat that
anyone can confirm by sense of touch, running a blank is ridiculous.

We are talking about a heat release on the scale of everyday experience,
like you get when you turn on your stove, or a room heater.  When you see a
steaming hot cooked turkey, do you ask yourself: "Could this really be
cooked? Is it really hot? I'll need a frozen turkey as a control before I
can be sure!"

Ask a cook whether she can tell a frozen turkey from a cooked one. She will
think you are crazy. And yes, that *is* the magnitude of the difference we
are talking about. That is not hyperbole.

Do you find that you must look at a parked car for reference before you can
be sure that one driving past you at 20 miles an hour is moving or standing

- Jed

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