Mary Yugo wrote:

    That is incorrect. Focardi and many other people reported seeing
    it, including several people I know.

Anyone independent of Rossi?

They are as independent of him as I am. None of them work for him, and none are in business relationships as far as I know. Focardi is a close friend, of course.

  And who confirmed it's operation?

All of them did, in test results they showed me, which unfortunately I cannot upload.

  And that the energy source was nuclear?

We know it is nuclear for the same reason we know any cold fusion reaction is: there is no chemical fuel in the cell, there are no chemical transformations, and the cell produces thousands of times more energy than any chemical cell of equivalent mass could. They may have done other nuclear tests but I did not hear about that.

  And as Joshua Cude asked, where did this appear?

These results have not been published. Stremmenos and Focardi discussed them briefly in the press.

- Jed

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