I have always been a Black Box kind of guy and approached problem solving in a binary divide and conquer approach. That way you make little assumptions and just go with what the test data shows as the incorrect or correct pathway.

I fully expect to sign a NDA and to put money into an Escrow account when we agree on the test protocols for the initial E-Cat test and for the final plant test. Under those conditions Rossi should agree to any test I ask for as when I take delivery I can do anything that I like in the way of testing. I'm under no illusions as to what I may find as I 100% know this is a heavy work in progress product. Just look at the E-Cats inside the container to those on the roof. Here I assume the roof top mounted units are a later build as they appear to have a different tubing and wiring connection system than the internal units, which were installed earlier. I expect the current E-Cat module build is different to any we have seen. One thing you can say about Rossi is he does not spend much time sitting in his chair.

Well stirred buckets of water and long glass thermometers work well. Then diving into the digital pool, my digital scope does area under the square power measurements. I'll also be checking earth currents to be sure there are no injected currents happening there as well as monitoring the "Frequencies". Sure this will all be under NDA, but I have every right as a customer with money in a Escrow account to do every test I deem necessary. I can assure you, when the 100 kW plant arrives in OZ, even more testing will be done as I'm sure Rossi knows will happen.

What I can report I will but I do respect NDAs and Commercial in Confidence arrangements.


On 11/20/2011 6:19 PM, Robert Leguillon wrote:
The critical point is to properly treat it as a "black box".  Don't get 
distracted with E-Cat temperature, pressure, etc. You can take additional data points, 
but don't rely on any measurements taken from INSIDE Rossi's system.
What you NEED:
You need good-and-proper input power measurements (logged voltage and a 
thru-line ammeter, if possible), secondary water flow, and higher secondary 
delta T (again, I'd use bucket-diversions to double-check your thermocouples).
If you get those data points reliably, then you just need sufficient time to 
rule out chemical energy. If you have a choice, test it in a driven mode, 
without any of the self-sustaining B.S.

I sincerely wish you the best, but I'd wager good money that he would not allow 
such definitive testing. Let us know what you find out.

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