On 2011-11-20 18:07, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:
As I stated, I have sent an introductory and request to purchase a 100
kW plant email to i...@leonardocorp1996.com with details of the existing
business structure and the proposed business model. I expect it will
take several days to get an initial reply and to start the NDA /
contract / agreed test conditions, etc negotiations. Oz just about
totally shuts down over Christmas and New Years for at least 2 weeks. It
is our summer break and no one is at work. So I expect I'm pushing it up
a steep hill to expect to get over to Bologna before Christmas. But I
may get lucky.

Ah, I see. Thanks for your reply.

It looked as if everybody assumed that you were surely going to Bologna as a customer testing an E-Cat module in a matter of days. But as you say, Rossi has yet to approve your purchase proposal. Please do keep us informed on the process.

In my opinion he really should accept, though. That a Vortex-l member tested and purchased a 100 kW E-Cat plant, sharing as many details as he could (to the extents of what NDAs allow) would boost up Rossi's credibility a lot and attract much interest around. Between me and you, please consider using this as a leverage for your proposal:)

Besides, hasn't he repeated all along that it's up to the market to judge whether it works or not?


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