Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Defkalion will sell you a 45 kW(th) plant.  We expect to see
> their announcement this week.

It might be a good idea for AR to approach Defkalion rather than Rossi.
They claim to have better reactors. I think their pricing is more
reasonable. I cannot see much use for a 100 kW reactor that will be
obsolete in a matter of months. A 1 MW model is even worse.

I have no inside knowledge but I suppose Rossi wants to sell only a few
large reactors so that he can earn a lot of money per unit, and so he can
keep an eye on the customer. From his point of view it is better to sell a
single 1 MW reactor than a hundred 10 kW reactors. If he had a patent,
things would be different.

- Jed

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