There is a Patent Office memo here:

I take this to mean they plan to deep six any application relating to cold
fusion. That has been the de facto policy ever since this memo was written.
However, the memo is vague enough that someone might argue it means they
plan to give cold fusion special, kid gloves treatment to expedite
applications. These bureaucrats are not stupid. They would not write a
"smoking gun" memo ordering their staff to summarily reject any cold fusion

Maybe I should add this document to the regular library, along with the
patent just issued.

The patent office has not denied all patents related to cold fusion. Some
have slipped through, mainly a technicality, such as the one they gave
Patterson because he was old.

Honestly, I do not claim the patent office for this mess. Opposition to
cold fusion is society-wide. It is prevalent among scientists although the
number who support cold fusion is larger than most people realize.
Opposition and ignorance is universal in the mass media, and among high
officials such as Sec. of Energy Chu.

- Jed

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