On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:36 PM, Marcello Vitale <mvit...@ucsbalum.net> wrote:
> I agree with Terry on this. I see no other way for Rossi to make money than
> to try to sell as many big items as he can before somebody much better than
> him at manufacturing comes into the game. Anything else is a distraction.

Let me see if I understand this.  It's as if Jonas Salk should have
insisted on making little batches of polio vaccine in his lab and
selling them to protect millionaire's families from polio rather than
giving the vaccine to large companies so everyone could have it?  Salk
became a millionaire of course and his institute in La Jolla,
California is now world renown for biomedical research and the
recipient of hundreds of millions of dollars in grants.  Hardly a loss
for Salk.

If Rossi really has table top fusion at a practical level, it is
idiotic to sell the clumsy, leaky, bizarre and "kludgy" looking
devices he has shown thus far.  They guarantee that a buyer will take
one apart and reverse engineer it or leak the secrets for big bucks.
 He should ally himself with a rich protector and go for the gold.  If
he has something, of course, and it's a mighty big if at this point.

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