Jed said
".....But he was meeting with an elected official from the state
of Massachusetts. A couple of miles away from the most prestigious
university of technology in the world, run by the state....."

Uh, Jed, MIT is private. Or maybe you meant UMass?

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Terry Blanton <> wrote:
> It might not be so confusing if one realizes, assuming all is as AR
>> says, he has a very narrow window to make money off his eCat.
> I get that. I really do. But he was meeting with an elected official from
> the state of Massachusetts. A couple of miles away from the
> most prestigious university of technology in the world, run by the state.
> What did he expect the official to say? It was obvious they would ask him
> to have the reactors tested at MIT. Does Rossi or anyone else imagine that
> officials in Massachusetts will do business with him, or allow him to sell
> reactors, without first having MIT vet his claims? That's delusional!
> If Rossi does not want MIT to test his reactors, he should never have met
> with state officials. It was an embarrassing waste of everyone's time.
> - Jed

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