I suspect there was bad blood there for some time and Rossi used Krivit. Have you listened to the way Krivit asked questions? HE showed no respect at all and basically / indirectly accused most who he interviewed of lying. I know and have many good Italian friends. They would not stand to be treated like Krivit treated them. Watch Levi when Krivit interviewed him. Krivit needed to be put in his place but the Italians were too civil and polite to do that. Rossi fixed Krivit good and proper. Krivit's reputation is now, IMHO, destroyed.


On 11/29/2011 11:19 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
BTW, Krivit really supports Piantelli. So, what now? Is he also supporting Rossi indirectly??? LOL!

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