On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Berke Durak <berke.du...@gmail.com> wrote:

> - At 11:00:04, the reactors are turned on.
> - The 13.5 l of water they each contain start heating up.
> - The power level of the reactors rises linearly at a rate of 160 W /
>  s.  This can be deduced from the profile of the warm-up period,
>  which is a quadratic function of time to a very good agreement:
>    T_out = 20.37 + 1.423e-6 * t^2
>  where t is the time in seconds, and T_out is in degrees Celsius.
> - At 12:34:40 the water in the reactors reaches 100 degrees and starts
>  boiling.
> - The reactors reach their peak power (492 kW or less) around
>  13:22:50.

None of this made much sense to me, but I will identify the biggest
problems that leapt out immediately:

If the linear power increase is based on the water temperature profile,
then presumably you're talking about the power that goes into the water. If
so, the above numbers don't seem to fit.

I could have made a mistake, but by my calculations, if the power increases
at a constant Pdot = 160 W/s, then 13.5 L of water (per unit) will begin to
boil in t = sqrt(2Q/Pdot) = 40 minutes, not 90. And the power at 90 minutes
will be 160*90*60 = 864 kW, and at 13:22, it will be 160*144*60 = 1.4 MW.

On the other hand, if boiling begins at 11:00, then the power increase
should be Pdot = 2Q/t^2 = 31 W/s, giving a power of 31*144*60 = 270 kW at

> - From 12:34:40 to 13:22:50 about 631 l (2 l per module) of water has
>  been boiled off the reactors.
> - At that moment, the pumps are turned on, causing water to flow at a
>  rate of 675.6 l/h.
>  This can be deduced from two facts.
>   (1) The temperature of the water in the reservoir starts increasing
>   linearly from 16.9 at 13:22:50 to 19.6 at 13:56:10 as 375 l of warm
>   water is pumped back, according to

If the power into the water is 490 kW, then the rate of steam generation
(with no inflow of water) is 2.1 g/s per module. This amounts to something
like 3.5 L/s per module or 380 L/s total.

Since the ecats are not full, water will not flow out of them when the
pumps are turned on, and turning them on only adds a volume flow rate of
675L/h = .19 L/s, or 1.8 mL/s per module, which is a tiny fraction of a per
cent of the total volume flow rate. In fact, since adding cool water will
remove heat otherwise going into steam, the total volume flow rate of steam
stays the same (at 490 kW). Therefore this increase in the temperature of
the input reservoir cannot correlate with the pump turning on as you

There are many other problems, but these two are significant enough to
leave it at that.

Finally, Rossi and his engineer claim a constant input flow rate for the
full 5.5 hours, and this is not an assumption about which they could be
reasonably be mistaken (like the output flow rate, or the effectiveness of
their trap). What's the point of analyzing the measurements, if you're
going to ignore some of them and make up your own?

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