The government in US does not exist. it is a puppet of business, and this
is a concept that in Europe we had to learn to fight. But it is hard to
US Government is a vehicle to make business run nicely.

In europe a big change is in process, but not event to the quite coherent
system of US. Europe is taking much real power on the local democratic
government. these local governement are today soap opera actors, and the
real decision are taken elsewhere.

European government, is on one site a church of stupid liberal theory
drinker, who have transformed EU in the only honest free market zone, this
mean the zone to be screwed easily.
Beside that theorist, the environmentalist are lobbying very efficiently,
and obtain incredible success, without any solid opposition.
Behind that, local corp try to protect their interest with some lobbying,
but they can only bend the details of directives decided according to
liberal and environmentalist dogma.

I think that rossi hate so much his administration, that he will work for
his adopting-motherland, US.

Defkalion, won't, but they will not work for Europe, given what Merkozy
have imposed to their people.

knowing that you will see that the interest of USGovt, the interest of US
Industry, will be to capture the patent, and give US industry a big
advantage, with new monopoly (the new 7 sisters). the big companies of
today will have to stay the big one of tomorrow. I don't believe they will
kill that discovery, just take control of it.

Normally Europe will orientate the policy in 2 conflicting axis :
- free market for CF device (so we are screwed up standardly)...
- forbidding it's use in the name of environment, like done about GMO/Shale

no effort will me made to keep the patent in europe.

big corp will just try to ask for regulation so they are the only allowed
users, using the green to fight the liberals.

I just hope that Greece, furious about it's treatment by Eurogroup, will
fight back.
France won't see the revolution came (nothing in the media, like for other
scandals- USSR was more open to controversy), then will forbid it, then buy
foreign products.
Germany will be split between dynamic SMB, and green anti-nuke activists,
with the lobby of incumbent renewable energy providers trying to use the

in china they will try to use it to solve their environmental problems that
could lead to nationalist crisis like in USSR, not caring about patents,
and exporting devices if possible, maybe event innovation to sell.
in Africa the government will not care, or be manipulated/corrupted not to
allow it, but population will buy devices despite the government.

that is my anticipation...
they key points will be the EU homologation... I'm pessimistic. Stupidity
is infinite, unlike space.

2011/11/30 James Bowery <>

> The United States of 1917 is long dead and buried.
> Sorry if I sound cynical, but the behavior of the establishment and its
> pet physicists during the cold fusion debacle is really not comparable to
> the behavior of the early 1900s establishment and its Smithsonian
> equivalent.  Yes, there were establishment denials early on and yes there
> were some red faces but to compare the lack of flight during that era to
> the lack of cold fusion as a power source during the late 1900s is to miss
> orders of magnitude, not to mention a qualitative shift in the kind of
> corruption in high places that rules today.
> Seriously, these people would rather fry the biosphere than lose social
> status.

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