Aussie Guy E-Cat <> wrote:

> A 15% shift off grid would reduce the grid owners income enough to stop
> grid maintenance and then the 85% on grid would have no power. I do agree
> that with LENR home reactors we may not need the grid but moving from where
> we are today to that situation will be very difficult.

It will only be difficult for people who want to stay on the grid, or who
cannot afford to buy their own cold fusion generators. It will not be a bit
difficult for those who jump ship.

Of course it will be difficult for the power companies! That's a shame for
them, but the rest of us will not care. We did not care when passenger
railroads were driven out of business by cars and airplanes, and when DEC
and other minicomputer companies were driven out of business by personal

The same is true for gasoline powered automobiles. After five or 10% of the
cars on the road are cold fusion powered, gas stations will begin closing
down in droves.  Even a small reduction in their revenue drives them out of
business. People who still want to drive gasoline powered vehicles will
soon have difficulty finding a place to fill up.

Automobiles last around 8 years these days. I predict that when one third
of the cars on the road are cold fusion powered, most gas stations will
close and the the remaining two thirds will be scrapped sooner than normal.
Soon, only a few hobbyists will still have them. They will be about as
common as typewriters are today.

I discussed these issues in my book.

- Jed

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