2011/12/1 Peter Heckert <peter.heck...@arcor.de>

> Apparently they dont claim gamma thermalization. Another poster asked
> about this and they anwered "something else and different".
That was kind of the point. If it were gammas from ordinary reactions, it
would be unmistakeable, as Villa said. Even though nuclear radiation can be
detected and *identified* at ridiculously low levels, whatever is producing
heat in cold fusion reactions somehow always manages to hide itself, so
that no one really knows what the reactions are. Even in Piantelli's work,
where he claims to observe radiation, he can't nail down the reactions. It
reminds me of how they had to contrive more and more peculiar properties
for the ether to explain why it could never be detected (or why its rest
frame could not be determined). In the end, of course, they found they
could explain the observations much more simply without ether at all. It's
pretty likely there are no nuclear reactions in Rossi's or DGT's or
anyone's version of the ecat.

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