On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 12:30 AM, Berke Durak <berke.du...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  500 keV -> mu rho = 1.614e-1 x 11.34 = 1.83 -> 17 cm
>  400 keV -> mu rho = 2.323e-1 x 11.34 = 2.63 -> 11.8 cm
>  300 keV -> mu rho = 4.031e-1 x 11.34 = 4.57 -> 6.80 cm
>  200 keV -> mu rho = 9.985e-1 x 11.34 = 11.32 -> 2.74 cm
>  100 keV -> mu rho = 2.323e-1 x 11.34 = 62.93 -> 0.49 cm
> These are not unreasonable thicknesses, especially because:

But Villa measured no gammas above background with *no* lead.

>  (a) Rossi doesn't want to give the exact energy (obviously).  500
>  keV sounds like a round number, anything between 200 and 500 keV
>  could be informally called that.

Villa would have detected gammas in that range.

>  (c) We don't know if the gammas are emitted isotropically.

The nickel is a power. It's pretty hard to imagine a preferred emission
direction with randomly oriented reactants.

> > but that doesn't fit the conceivable reactions. So, maybe they're
> > inconceivable.
> Not much point in speculating about what is conceivable and what is
> not, since if all this is for real, we're talking new physics here.

So they say. It would be more credible if someone could imagine a reaction
that produces heat and no radiation.

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