Yes that is why coal based thermal electric power plants are base load. It takes a LONG time to turn them off and them again a LONG time to fire them back up.


On 12/2/2011 9:17 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Aussie Guy E-Cat < <>> wrote:

    On time is claimed to be 6 seconds.

Yup. The original Fleischmann Pons experiment took two weeks to turn on. People thought that commercial reactors might take hours or days to turn on. I did not think so but I pointed out that even if they do that would not be such a disadvantage as long as you can leave the thing running full time, on stand-by mode.

It takes a long time to turn on a large conventional electric power plant, especially a nuclear power plant. Sometimes it takes a long time to turn one off, especially after it melts down.

- Jed

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